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velofix Portland

Bike repair service for Portland, Beaverton, Lake Oswego, SE/Happy Valley, Downtown, and North by NorthEast.

The concept of saving cyclists time by bringing the bike shop to their homes and businesses is what velofix Portland is all about. We look forward to working with you at weekend rides, races, cycling events or even at your business.

velofix Portland has officially been repairing and servicing bikes in the Portland Metro area for 7 years! You may have seen the big red Mobile Bike Shop in your neighborhood, near your work, supporting a ride or out at the races. Our customers’ most requested services have been:

  • Serving riders and families at their homes and offices, saving them the time and effort of bike transport.
  • Helping property managers and employers promote bike commuting by hosting velofix corporate days at their buildings.
  • Supporting businesses that feature velofix as an on campus bike repair resource to encourage bike commuting.
  • Packaging bikes for travel and online sales.
  • Assembling bikes purchased online at and other online retailers.

No matter the type of riding you enjoy, whether you’re needing your road bike repaired or your mountain bike repaired, whether you’re looking for bike parts and accessories or to buy a new bike, velofix Portland has you covered.

What People are saying

Adam L.
Adam L.

Timely, friendly and knowledgeable mechanic. velofix is a great service!