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velofix Motivember

If you’re like me, you need some motivation to exercise sometimes. I find that it’s harder to motivate myself to get out the door if I don’t have an upcoming race or event. Seeing as there aren’t a lot of event during the month of November, I thought I’d make one. 

Since the event is in November, and it’s meant to be a motivator, we lovingly named it “velofix Motivember“. It has a nice ring, eh? 

Here’s how it works. We have 3 “goals” that you can strive for.

Step 1: Pick one of our goals
Step 2: Send an email to
Step 3: Get active! 

Our 3 Levels: 

Gold: 30 hours of exercise (an average of 60 minutes per day)
Silver: 22.5 hours of exercise (an average of 45 minutes per day)
Bronze: 15 hours of exercise (an average of 30 minutes per day)

You can do your exercise any way you’d like: cycling, running, hiking, swimming, etc. 


Q: Which sports & activities qualify as exercise?
A: That’s up to you. This event is a personal motivator, so if it counts for you, it counts for Motivember

Q: Do I have to exercise every day or can I bank my exercise?
A: You can definitely bank your hours. If you do a 2 hour bike ride, all of that time counts towards your monthly goal. 

Q: Can I exercise indoors? 
A: Absolutely! You can run on the treadmill (*shudders*), ride the trainer, lift weights – whatever motivates you. 

Q: How do I keep track of my exercise?
A: Any way you’d like. You can use Strava, or any other fitness app. Ultimately, we don’t need proof of completion and we’ll stick to the honor system for our first rendition of #velofixMotivember

Q: How do I sign up? 
A: Send an email to and let me know which goal you’re aiming for.

Q: Hey, Adam, which goal are you signing up for? 
A: Silver is going to be a bit of a stretch for me, but why not try? I’ll try to get 22.5h of exercise this month. Wish me luck! If you really want to help, invite me out for a run or a bike ride (or whatever activity you’re doing). I’d love to join you!

Q: Did you come up with this yourself?
A: I wish! The idea and the clever name came from Tamsin – our superstar ambassador. She’s the one that encouraged me to start this event, so you have Tamsin to thank for this!

Q: How should I share with my friends and family that I’m participating in this event? 
A: Feel free to use the #velofixMotivember hashtag online!