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New Year’s Resolutions for Cyclists

2021 is finally here and with it comes opportunities for growth, change, and of course, adventure. At velofix Northeast Florida, we make it our goal to help you go places. This year, let us help you reach new goals, explore new sites, and make new memories to cultivate a happy and healthy life.

Here are some resolutions that will inspire you to enjoy your ride through 2021:

Ride farther than ever before

This year, go the distance by riding farther than you did in 2020. Aim to exceed last year’s distance by 5, 10, or however many miles you can. Track your mileage every day by keeping a daily cycling journal. This will inspire you to ride farther each day. 

You can also spark curiosity and self-motivate by riding to a new destination each time to keep it interesting. 

Join a cycling club

Get inspired and inspire others by joining a cycling club. Connect with other fellow cyclists who have similar goals as you. Hold each other accountable by meeting weekly and push each other to ride faster, with more power and enthusiasm than ever before.

Cycle to work instead of driving

Cycling to work will reduce your carbon footprint and release healthy endorphins that will energize you throughout the day! Increase your productivity and impress your boss by bringing positive energy to the office from the minute you step off your road bike and walk to your desk.

If you’re cycling through different terrains, consider a hybrid bike for a smoother ride.

Prioritize your diet & nutrition

Start your day with a balanced breakfast that will keep you full for much longer than those Lucky Charms. Healthy diet and nutrition practices will boost your overall energy, making you crave your next ride. Invest in more protein-rich foods and drinks rather than sugary or fattening snacks to help your muscles recover so you can get back on the bike sooner.

Try different cycling disciplines

Challenge yourself by changing up your route. Cruise over rougher terrain like backwoods trails or sandy beaches to test your endurance. If you’re feeling competitive, consider signing up for a local race. Races help many cyclists reach and exceed their speed goals. 

Keep your legs guessing by changing up the intensity of your ride as often as you can.

Upgrade your bike

Don’t jump to conclusions and buy a completely new bike before you consider the upgrades you can make to your favorite old one. Start by thinking of an updated frame to suit your style. New tires, light wheels, new gears and even bar tape all have the power to speed your bike up, so you can set new pr’s and reach new heights!

Stick to your new year’s resolutions to encourage a renewed and refreshed lifestyle in 2021. From cycling with friends and adjusting your diet to enhancing your ride with exciting new bike features, there’s so much you can do to exceed your goals – and we’re here to help you get there. Your velofix Northeast Florida Mobile Bike Shop will save you time so you can ride more. Book your service today.