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Dallas-Fort Worth

velofix Dallas/Fort Worth

Mobile Bike repair service for the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Cycling is more popular than ever in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  From the country roads to the bustling city, the diversity of the Dallas/Fort Worth area offers some amazing rides.  As North Texas continues to focus on fitness and the outdoors, cycling has become a key activity of choice. Our annual climate provides year round riding opportunities. Whether you’re a roadie, a triathlete, a mountain biker, a commuter, a cruiser, or all of the above, Dallas/Fort Worth provides something for everyone.

The velofix concept is about saving cyclists time by bringing the Mobile Bike Shop to them (their homes, businesses, teams, weekend rides, cycling events, etc.) and eliminating the hassles and wait times typically associated with having to get your bike serviced.  Whether you work downtown, live in the city, or brave the traffic commuting, velofix DFW is here to help! We’ll meet you at your home or office, and complete most work on your bike in less time than it takes to get lunch. velofix Dallas is excited to simplify the whole process for you and help you save time and ride more!

Serving a wide and varied market, the velofix DFW vans are well equipped to service all kinds of bicycles.  velofix DFW is proud to be a part of this strong and friendly cycling community and excited to become a key resource delivering convenient, reliable and premium bike services to our customers.  We are ready to partner in your next riding experience!



Sponsorships and Events

Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association Official Sponsor

Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association Official Sponsor


Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association Official Sponsor

Our primary mission is providing access to great local trails. Your membership provides the tools and infrastructure used to build trails. It also lets local municipalities know that you care about and use the trails on their properties. Whether you are an experienced rider or someone who is just starting out, we hope you’ll find the site full useful information.

Octane Athletics Training Systems

Octane Athletics Training Systems


Octane Athletics Training Systems

Trident Sports Fort Worth

Trident Sports Fort Worth


Trident Sports Fort Worth

North Texas Multisport (NTM)

North Texas Multisport (NTM)


North Texas Multisport (NTM)

Plano Bicycle Association

Plano Bicycle Association


Plano Bicycle Association

Community Beer Company Cycling Team

Community Beer Company Cycling Team


Community Beer Company Cycling Team

Xterra Rock Dallas Off-road Triathlon

Xterra Rock Dallas Off-road Triathlon


Xterra Rock Dallas Off-road Triathlon

Red Balloon Run and Ride

Red Balloon Run and Ride


Red Balloon Run and Ride

DFW Summer Series at Erwin and Boulder

DFW Summer Series at Erwin and Boulder


DFW Summer Series at Erwin and Boulder

Bearded Beatdown by Bearded Women Racing

Bearded Beatdown by Bearded Women Racing


Bearded Beatdown by Bearded Women Racing

Bike MS: Sam's Club Roundup Ride

Bike MS: Sam's Club Roundup Ride


Bike MS: Sam's Club Roundup Ride

What People are saying

Sam G

I met Mark and Shane after buying a bike online. They arrived at my door with this awesome van and assembled the bike.  After consultation I knew that this bike wasn’t gonna work. Without a doubt the only way to buy a bike is to buy it through these guys. They brought out five bikes for test rides.  I decided on the Ellsworth Ephiphany and its fit as if it’s a piece of my body. I couldn’t be any happier with the service professionalism and I have velofix  on my contact list to call every three months.   From fitting to basic service to accessories there’s nothing better than working with Mark  I really appreciate what they have done to this bike and now I’m a smooth running machine and I’m looking at my next road bike now thanks Mark and Shane. And if you need a professional fitting don’t goof around with the in-store settings to come to your house those set you up in your garage or in the driveway or wherever there’s a flat space in your bike or flatly fit your style. I have all the latest technology all the latest gears and Marks got an awesome set of tools. Call these guys call these guys call these guys you will not be dissatisfied. Matter of fact you will love your bike.