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What’s In Your Race Bag?

It’s a terrible feeling to get to a race and start rooting through your bag only to realize that you’ve forgotten to pack socks (or bibs, or a jersey).

Here’s our checklist for everything you need to have in your race bag for a road race so you can avoid that feeling:

Racing kit 

☐         jersey

☐         shorts

☐         socks

☐         rain jacket

☐         short finger gloves

Additional clothes as needed 

☐         vest

☐         leg warmers

☐         arm warmers

☐         long sleeve jersey

☐         shoe covers


☐         helmet

☐         cycling shoes

☐         sunglasses

☐         Garmin/bike computer

☐         heart rate strap

☐         race numbers

☐         safety pins

☐         sunscreen

☐         chamois cream


☐         gels

☐         bars

☐         bottles of mix & water

☐         post-race recovery drink

☐         post-race recovery food


☐         baby wipes (to clean the road grime off your legs, arms and face)

☐         weather appropriate change of clothes (WARM if it’s been a cold or wet race)

☐         recovery socks/ tights (if you’re into that)


If you have other items on your race day checklist, let us know!