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Canyon FAQ

Thank you for trusting velofix DIRECT with the assembly of your new Canyon bike. We are excited to get you rolling on your new wheels. Below, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions. If you don’t see your question listed, feel free to reach out to us at for further assistance.

I ordered a bike through Canyon and selected velofix DIRECT at checkout, what’s next? 

Once you have placed your order, velofix will send you an email to confirm your order. Once Canyon has provided shipping and tracking information, we’ll send a link for you to schedule your appointment at a date and time that works best for you.

Does velofix come to my house?

Yes! Once the bike is delivered, your velofix rider support technician will assemble your bicycle, perform a safety inspection, and get you up and riding in no time.

What kind of bike fitting can I expect from velofix? 

We include a free basic bike fit with every Canyon assembly. We’ll get your saddle and bar height setup to best suit you but we recommend getting a full bike fitting if you want to get all of your fitting numbers. 

Does velofix sell pedals or other bike accessories that I can purchase on delivery? 

Yes, we do! We maintain select stock for pedals, cleats, bar tape, and other accessories. Simply inquire with your velofix rider support technician to discover what’s available onsite.

If I need warranty support should I contact velofix or Canyon?

Please contact Canyon to get your warranty approved. Canyon will provide all the necessary information to velofix who will contact you to book your warranty appointment. If you book an appointment and the warranty was not approved by Canyon, velofix will charge for the service.

Can I open my bike to ensure all components have arrived prior to my appointment?

No, please do not open or attempt to assemble your bicycle yourself in advance of your appointment.

How do I book a follow up appointment with velofix? 

Click here to book your follow up appointment.