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Franchise related news

The Top Five Cities In Need of a Serious velofix

velofix is growing. And we want you to be a part of that growth. So, we’ve been surveying the United States and Canada, reading the market, finding where cyclists live and what kind of riding they do, and thus determining where velofix can most easily slot in. And, thanks to having a live website where people can ask for velofix… Read More

Pursuing Passions and Doing Good Does Well

Franchise Spotlight: velofix Denver, Fort Collins & Boulder With Trent Newcomer   Kara Newcomer left out a March 2015 copy of Entrepreneur magazine for her husband Trent. She wanted him to see the article entitled “Curbside Enthusiasm: A Look At Mobile Franchises.” There, a new business called velofix was profiled. She thought he, as a passionate cyclist, might… Read More