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velofix Corporate Bike Days

Show appreciation for your staff and encourage biking to work at the same time  with Velofix Ottawa’s Corporate Bike Day. Our new program promotes cycling to work (or anywhere) and is a fun activity for your office mates.


If you and your coworkers are cyclists, consider booking a Corporate Bike Day with velofix Ottawa. We have a new program that promotes cycling to work (or anywhere) and is fun for the office. 

How does it work?
1) You and your team can pick any date, time and location that works for you.
2) Velofix brings the vans, tents, bike racks and our team of mechanics.
3) We fix your bikes while you’re at work!
Your team can bring their bikes to velofix when we roll up, and we can let you know what your bike might need, how long it’ll take and when we’ll be working on your bike. If you want to come and watch your bike being serviced, we can schedule your bike service for a specific time that fits your busy work schedule.
A Corporate Bike Day is fun for everyone that rides and encourages your teammates to get to the office on two wheels. Even better, it gets everyone excited about cycling and gives everyone a chance to talk about everything bike related. You can talk about your bike, the route you take and share your cycling experiences! It creates a great energy at the office and people leave with motivation and a fully tuned up bike.
If you’re interested in booking a Corporate Bike Day, just email We have all kinds of payment options and can accommodate a group of any size. We offer employee-pay, employer-pay, and hybrid options. Regardless of budget and size, velofix can help make the cycling culture at your office stronger than ever!