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Facebook Austin

velofix Austin is the mobile bike shop that comes to you, at your home, or your Facebook workplace!

Facebook will cover up to $109 (plus tax) towards keeping your ride in top shape – enough to cover a velofix minor or major tune-up at your Facebook workplace!

If you work at Facebook’s Domain office, we’ll be onsite all day on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month!   Let us know about your bike and what you need and we’ll get right back to you with a convenient time slot, right at the office!

    Choose a preferred date


    • Service fees above the $109.00 subsidy are billed directly to the employee
    • All parts are billed directly to the employee

    Book online now for a home appointment, use the booking code “FACEBOOK”

    Note: The Facebook subsidy is only applied to services performed at the Facebook Domain location.

    Who is velofix

    velofix is a full service Mobile Bike Shop operating out of our fully equipped Sprinter van. We bring our shop to customers where and when they need us. We are excited to support Facebook employees with a convenient, premium service that will allow them to save time and ride more.

    How do I book my appointment?

    Please complete the booking request form above. We’ll book you in based on your preferences and confirm the date and check in time via email.

    What if I can’t make my appointment?

    Please email at the earliest opportunity.

    Have Questions?

    Email or call1-855-835-6349 (855-VELOFIX)

    Facebook contact: or call 650-785-6906