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Park City

velofix Salt Lake City

Mobile Bike repair, maintenance, assembly and event support for the Salt Lake City and Park City areas. The Velofix concept is simple and convenient; we bring our Mobile Bike Shop to you. Regardless if you want the appointment at your home, office, team event or local weekend ride, we can support you. We eliminate the hassles and wait times associated with having to get your bike serviced. Velofix Salt Lake City and Velofix Park City are excited for the opportunity to simplify the process for you and help you save time and ride more. Whether you’re a roadie, a triathlete, mountain biker, a commuter, a cruiser, or all of the above we have you covered.

We serve a wide and diverse area, from Spanish Fork in the south to Salt Lake City in the north, from Tooele in the west to Oakley, Kamas, and Francis in the east. Our van is well equipped to service a wide range of bikes, mountain, road, tri, commuter and hybrid. We are the recommended delivery service for several top notch bike manufacturers including: Canyon, Spot, Radpower, Ventum, BH, and Ellsworth to name a few.

Velofix Salt Lake City and Velofix Park City are proud to be a part of this strong and friendly cycling community and excited to become a key resource delivering convenient, reliable and premium bike services to our customers. We are ready to partner with you for your next riding experience.


Jackson Rayl


Jackson Rayl